When I woke up this morning I still had some lingering doubts and a foggy mind (no coffee yet). Ironically one of the roommate asked me to drive her to her morning class and of course I said yes! I got lost for an hour on the way home, my phone lost service (along with the ability to GPS my ass out of there) and I was still wearing my PJs when I asked a cop where I was going. What I discovered on this adventure was the hills of Santa Cruz; where people run and bike on established trails, trees drip with the morning fog, redwoods gleam in the rising sun and music streams out of the open windows as the sun begins to light up my face. So I woke up this morning feeling unsure about my decision to leave Mammoth and my routine there and begin something brand new here. But after that car ride I began to understand why I had come here...
So why in the world did I leave my skiing season early at Mammoth, travel for over 16 hours on a bus with all of my belongings to a new city, new job, and new people? I begin my 6 month volunteer work with the AmeriCorp ACE this Sunday. I will 'donate' over 1000 hours of labor cleaning and building trails, working with the community and educating them about conservation and the trail system, and living in the woods frolicking with people just like me while being dirty. Sounds about right for me, doesn't it? Yep, that's why I am here.
Am I making money? Hell no. Am I establishing a career for myself? Nope. Am I doing something I am passionate about? Absolutely. Am I surrounding myself with people and experiences that will push me, build me and allow me to flourish? 100%.
Life comes fast, hard and sometimes absolutely unpleasant. I am not trying to sprint through my life so I can surround myself with objects and money. At the end of the day, year, my life I want to be able to rummage through my memories, scars, photos and friends and relive those years over and over and over...
To view some information about my projects and other's projects go here.

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